Medford Senior High School

Classes 1969 & 1970
Jackson Photos: Clubs, Groups
Jackson Cheerleaders: Front Row: Debbie Axtell and Lynda Reavis Back Row: Dawn Morehead, Julia Beach, Cheri Hawkins, Cheryl Christianson
Brownies: Front Row: ?, Elaine Pidcock, Christy Davison, Cheri Hawkins Back Row: Joan Anders, Julia Beach, Cathy Merriman, Renee Hollowell, Linda Thompson
Girls Music Quartet: Joan Pasckvale, Deborah Axtell, Cheri Hawkins and Julia Beach
Valintines Box Contest Winners: Cheri Hawkins, Tracy Lynch and Dawn Morehead
(Strange no boys were among the winners?)
Jackson Flag
Recess with Mrs. Epling and Mrs. Medley